
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I walked around the city with a gigantic branch in my hair

Ya'll know I have done some pretty stupid things in my past. I'm the gal who has fallen into a pond while on a hot date. I'm known to trip, say ridiculous things and so on. But never have I walked around the city with a large branch in my hair.

Okay, let me give you the details. This summer I took on one of my fears-college algebra. Get this, I passed the class but as a result I have gone ninety miles an hour. I didn't see friends, family and I didn't do anything fun. All I did was study. You know how it is-if you're going to face a fear you have to give it your all. Now, I'm trying to get back to the basics. I'm cooking (okay, more like I'm burning food but whatever) I'm seeing my Gnomies and just living life.

So this weekend I went on a shopping spree. I bought boots, skirts and darling lil English Fascinators. I walked around the outdoor mall with my friend Jameses. I must have been on cloud nine because I walked right into a tree. This is normal thing for me. I'm always tripping so I just rubbed my head to make sure I wasn't bleeding and then went on with my business.

I continued to walk around the mall and the more I walked around the more people started staring at me. I figured I must have been looking goooood. I had on my tennis skirt with my chucks. I even wore this funky lil headband. I kept shopping and all the while an old man stared at me with a confused look on his face. A child even grabbed his momma's skirt and his momma whispered, "It’s not polite to stare."

I shrugged my shoulders and just kept shopping. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I had been walking the streets of the city with a gigantic branch in my hair. I must have looked like I walked out of a jungle. The branch was thick and as long as two pencils put together. The branches had green leaves and everything.

Yep, someday's just aren't going to go the way you planned. Even so, live it up, my friends.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Setbacks and how to deal with them

My dear friends, there are always going to be setbacks in life. I'm learning it's just a part of the game. My brother told me a crazy fact and I thought it might inspire you on your journey toward your dream.  He said that Beethoven became deaf at the pinnacle of his inspiration.

I'll admit, I didn't really know much about Beethoven but anyone who can work through a setback like losing their hearing has my utter respect.

You may have your own setbacks in life but you need not worry. You are talented beyond measure. You have a gift that is going to touch people's lives.

Look those setbacks in the eye and keep going, keep working. The world is waiting for your creativity.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adjust to the demands of your dream

One of the greatest lessons I've learned while taking college algebra is that you have to be willing to adjust to the different setbacks of your dream. My friends, we are all chasing something that is bigger than ourselves. Whether your dream is to play water polo, write or paint you have to learn that there will be times that you are not in the drivers seat of your dream.

For my math class I was at the mercy of everyone around me. I had to study when my tutor could study and I had to learn how to shut up and listen. All during the class I had to learn to adjust my life schedule (eat, sleep & write.) On top of that, I had to adjust to the setbacks because while you chase your dream you will have many setbacks.

You have a talent within you that nobody else can touch. You can achieve so much and all you have to do is learn to adjust to the many demands of your dream.