
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What to do when you're frazzled

Let's be honest, this week I have been frazzled like no other. I am facing one of my biggest fears in life-college algebra. As a result, I have had to take 3 tests this week. On top of that, I am sick as a dog with a cold. What do you do when stresses piles up on you? Follow John McEnroe's advice-"Shrug it off."

Granted I would rather take Mr. McEnroe's other path to dealing with stress, stomp around and cuss but we don't always get what we want. No, we must deal with the stress and then shrug it off.

Stress is nothing when chasing your dream. Shrug off the stress, my friends.

PS-If you wanna smile, here's a famous McEnroe moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekQ_Ja02gTY


shelly said...

I literally cried through my college-algebra exam. It lasted a whole five hours, and I was the last one to leave, too. Later, I found out I was the only one who finished. I made an A.

jjsundevil said...

love mcenroe luv u

Maegan Langer said...

Love that story! Good for you, Shelly!

Maegan Langer said...

Oh, that video's hilarious! My favorite part is the ref went ahead and awarded a point against him anyway. (At least I think he did. I'm not well-versed in tennis.)

William Kendall said...

Ah, Johnny, you screaming temper tantrum perfect storm, you....